Intro to PM: The Basics

A SELF PACED online course to help you empower your pet to cope with stress and manage his emotions so he can be calmer, more confident, and less reactive.

Course Summary

 For the first time, we have an introductory self study course on one of the cornerstones of the Syn Alia Training System...Perception Modification! We are excited to offer this course to those interested in learning more about Perception Modification without committing to our complete PM Class or PM Certification Course. This self-paced class provides an overview of the techniques and gets you started on this life changing path.

How can this course transform my pet?

Greater Calmness

Ease anxiety and reduce your pet's stress level by teaching them how to attain and maintain a calm, relaxed state. Give them the choice of calm and well-being while helping them cope with stress and manage their emotions.
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Empowerment through Information

Learn how to successfully use one of the simplest yet most powerful PM tools to set your animal up for success! This proven communication technique will help your pet understand what is happening around them and how they should respond.  

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Less Fear and Reactivity

Build your pet's confidence and ability to handle stressful or arousing situations. Through PM pets learn how to respond to scary or exciting situations with new found skills and confidence. PM techniques help animals understand and respond differently to what is happening around them. You can lead them to change how they perceive stressful or arousing situations. You can empower them to be less afraid and less reactive. You can give them skills that have the power to change their life.

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This is Jazz, a Belgian Malinois who was unsafe around children before SATS

This is Jazz after SATS, now living happily with her family of 3 children

Ability to Self Manage

Create more favorable outcomes in most situations by building your pet's ability to become self managing. Over time, most animals who learn these techniques are able to manage their own emotions, make better choices, and overcome challenges without your intervention. This is huge in creating long term success and health for your pet.

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Partnership with You!

Get the absolute best from your pet as you partner to build the best of lives and achieve things together. Imagine how companionship improves when an animal can understand you when you talk. Imagine the fun of exploration with your animal partner. It can be a wonderful world of partnership, achievement, and communion. The journey starts with treating animals the way all beings want to be treated – with respect, fairness, integrity and inclusion. The journey starts here! This is the SATS Journey.

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Can this course transform my life?

Perception Modification (PM) is a big subject. We often tell people, remember to breathe! While this course will not teach you everything about Perception Modification, it will give you a great overview of Perception Modification at the basic level. It is ideal for dedicated pet owners or for trainers who are new to SATS and PM.

1.  Empower your animal and yourself to navigate through stress and uncertainty. 

You will gain strategic skills that guide you both on how to ride through stress and challenge, and stay on top of life, even in the midst of challenging circumstances.

2.  Share a commitment to calmness with your pet.

As with most of life, success starts with intention. Teach yourself, and your animal partner, to set a firm intention to gain calmness as you navigate life.

3.  Experience the SATS life of harmony. Develop mutual trust and respect. See your relationship blossom. Become a team.

Most people come to solve a problem, but many stay because they love the SATS way of being with animals. Many people describe the joy of watching their relationships flourish, and their partnerships deepen. Kayce wants this for you.

 About Perception Modification

Perception Modification is a process or protocol to change the way an animal sees something. We can change things in any direction, but the two most common needs are to lead animals to become 1) less reactive or 2) less afraid. We lead animals to cope with stress and manage their emotions. We help animals solve their most dangerous and limiting behavior problems, like aggression, arousal, separation anxiety, and sound phobias.

We can use Perception Modification to solve most things that stem from an emotional response. Things like:

  • Anxiety
  • Hyperarousal
  • Hyperreactivity
  • Aggression
  • Phobias
  • Sound sensitivities
  • Separation anxiety
  • Fear of handling, grooming or veterinary procedures
  • Reactivity
  • We teach an animal to attain & maintain a calm mental state, on cue.
  •  We then introduce the trigger in very small pieces, below arousal threshold.
  • In progressive steps, we advance the intensity of the trigger.
  • The animal controls the advancement of the progressive steps. If he stays calm, they progress in a formulaic way. If he loses calm, the trigger freezes, and fades away. (The next step will start a few steps back from the step where he lost calmness.)
  • When the animal can maintain calmness regardless of the intensity of the trigger, we start the proofing process in other environments.

Intro to PM: The Basics (this class) provides a self-study overview and introduction to what Perception Modification is and how it works. It gives enough understanding on how to get animals started with PM, especially Conditioned Relaxation (the first phase of PM). While it does give some basic information on Cycles (the second phase), it does not teach how to do them. We have found that even seasoned trainers struggle to apply Cycles correctly, so we require direct coaching from Kayce for anyone who would like to learn how to conduct Cycles. This class does not include any live support as it is Self Study only. If you would like to have live feedback and coaching from Kayce, consider our PMC or PMCC classes! If you would like to start with this class and later decide to continue to PMC or PMCC, we would be happy to credit your tuition for this class to the cost of either PMC or PMCC.

The PM Class (PMC) gives the basic information needed to work through a single case, with 10 weeks of live support. The PM Class includes course materials, 10 live classes, and video submission, review and coaching.

 The PM Certification Course (PMCC) includes everything in the PMC class, but gives additional information and support.  It allows participants to work on multiple cases in class. There are 10 additional weeks of support through live classes and live study sessions, and allows for video review of multiple cases. Additional modules build understanding of Perception Modification, and go more in depth on how to use it to solve difficult cases. Online testing for certification is also included.

The PMC class is required for certification, and there is a price break for buying the certification at the time of class registration.  However, anyone can take the class without taking the certification. If you purchase the class only, but later find you would like to upgrade to certification, you may do so, however you will have to pay the current full cost of the certification course, without the price break.

Any dedicated pet owner or professional trainer interested in learning more about PM can get started with this Intro to PM: The Basics class.

Generally, private owners with challenging pets may want to take the PM Class and work on solving their single case.

Professional trainers, groomers, and kennel and daycare staff will find certification through our PM Certification Course best meets their broader and deeper needs, with its additional information on case solutions, coaching, and deeper study with a goal of mastery.

Occasionally we offer special bonuses for joining either the PM Class (PMC) or the PM Certification Course (PMCC). Participants may gain bonus membership in the Perception Modification Trainer’s Site (PMTS). Previous bonuses have been free membership in PMTS spanning 3 months with the PMC class, and 1 year with the PMCC certification course. 

This class is Self Study only. There are a series of lectures, video lessons, demos and other resources provided in an online learning center. You need only a computer, tablet or smartphone to access class materials. We also have an app for ease of access on mobile devices. You have lifetime access to the materials.  

There is a community provided to connect with others who are enrolled in this class.

 While you are not required to turn in video for this class, we recommend you still video your work for your own review to assist in your learning and to evaluate progress in your animal. You will need a phone or camera to take video of your training sessions. We provide information to help you do this. 

There is no certification with this self study class. However, below are the requirements to qualify for PM Level 1 Certification:

Required Courses: Successful completion of both the Perception Modification Class (PMC) and the Perception Modification Certification Course (PMCC).

Video: For certification, participants must submit video of 7 critical steps in teaching their animal Perception Modification and solving the case problem.

Exam: In addition to video submission, there is a written exam, administered online, which covers the information in the curriculum. A score of 95% is required to gain certification, and with study, this is a very realistic goal. Participants must test for gaining certification (and we coach people through testing skills and test anxiety).

If the participant wants the knowledge, coaching and study of the certification course but does not want to obtain certification, it is optional to sit for the certification exam.  You can participate in the certification course, with approval. It can also be possible to reschedule tests if needed.  There is limited flexibility, but we will work with participants as possible to support your goals and success!  

Post Certification: After completion of the PMC class or PMCC certification, participants are eligible to enroll in the membership site, Perception Modification Trainer’s Site (PMTS). Upon successful certification, participants will need to continue to apply skills and knowledge, and engage in ongoing activities to become fluent with these techniques, and to maintain currency and fluency.  The PMTS membership supports these goals and provides valuable community support.

Have Questions?

Who's this class for?

This self-paced class is designed for dedicated pet owners as well as professional animal trainers who are interested in learning more about Perception Modification from an overview level. If you would love to know more about PM and how it works but aren't quite ready to commit to our higher level PM Class or Certification Course, then this class is for you! It is for owners and trainers looking to make a change in their training style and build a partnership with their animal and work together as a team. Individuals attending this class will get the most benefit when they practice applying the principles and techniques with their animal as they thoroughly work through the materials.

What's the time commitment?

This class is designed to be done at your own pace when it is convenient for you. Video lessons are short and digestible, allowing you to fit them in as you have opportunity. The audio lessons are downloadable to allow for listening on the go. You'll have lifetime access to all the downloadable resources, demos and recorded video trainings. This way, you can complete and revisit the program at your own pace and at your own convenience.

Should I take this class or a higher level class?

While we'd love to teach you everything about Perception Modification in this self study course, it just isn't possible. This class is a great way to get your feet wet, but if you know that you have a tough case to resolve or you think you may want to be certified, we would recommend looking into either the PM Class or PM Certification Course.

This same material is taught in the first half of the PM Class, but the PM Class is much more in depth. It also gives you opportunity to receive direct coaching and feedback from Kayce on your specific case (through both homework/video submissions and 10 weeks of live group calls). This is worth its weight in gold, especially if you are a professional or are dealing with a very challenging situation with your animal. If you want to go even further in depth, the PM Certification Course dives even deeper into all aspects of PM and is especially beneficial to professional trainers.

If you would like to take this class to get started, you can still take the higher level classes later. In fact, we hope you do! We will even credit the amount you pay for this class toward the tuition cost of the PM Class or PM Certification Course if you decide to continue.

Will I receive any personal coaching or feedback from Kayce?

This class is a self-study course, with no personal access to Kayce. If you would like to get direct feedback and coaching from Kayce, we have plenty of that in the PM Class and PM Certification Course! Both are offered once or twice per year (usually January and mid to late summer). If you miss out on those open enrollment periods, we recommend you start with this class to gain a jumpstart and overview of PM, and then we will be happy to credit your tuition for this class toward the cost of the PM Class when it is offered again!

What devices can I access this class on?

Class materials can be accessed through a web browser on any device. We also have a convenient app for easier access on any mobile devices. Many of the materials can also be downloaded for your convenience.

What does Perception Modification use to solve behavior problems? Does it incorporate food rewards, force or physical correction?

We generally use no food, toys, lure, or physical corrections of any kind. Perception Modification is incredibly effective without the use of any of these, for over 95% of cases.

How long do I have to complete the class?

This class includes lifetime access to all of the materials. You can complete the program at your own pace and convenience, and revisit it at any time.

Are Cycles taught in this class?

There are two phases to Perception Modification, 1) Conditioned Relaxation and 2) Cycles.

While we do cover some information about Cycles in this class, we do not teach how to conduct them. Many animals gain such tremendous benefit from all of the other aspects of PM without the use of Cycles. However if you would like to dive into how Cycles work and learn to apply them correctly, consider the higher level PM courses, the PM Class (PMC) or PM Certification Course (PMCC). If taken after this class, we would be happy to apply your tuition for this class to the cost of the higher level course(s).

Does Perception Modification work with animals other than dogs?

YES! Perception Modification works with any animal, not just dogs. While Kayce has a desire to share Perception Modification with professional dog trainers to help as many dogs as possible, she supports the use of SATS and PM with any animal. We have had students attend class to help a variety of animal species, such as cats, dogs, horses, sheep, cattle, and birds.

Kayce developed the Syn Alia Training System and Perception Modification through her extensive experience training exotic animals. She began first as a marine mammal trainer and keeper, working with dolphins, whales, seals and sea lions. She then expanded to other exotics while working at the National Zoological Park. Kayce has also worked with a variety of domestic animals and livestock.


What others are saying about Perception Modification...


Dog owning/training friends, I took this absolutely AMAZING online class in Perception Modification and Conditioned Relaxation last year! it’s by internationally acclaimed animal trainer Kayce Cover, who developed these incredible methods and tools with which to truly enable dogs to become self-managing when faced by their triggers.  The training relationship with our dog shifts from being mainly transactional 🍪 to one of mutual collaboration. 🙌❤️🐾 Bringing the dog on board as a collaborative partner generates buy-in from the dog. Tools like Name & Explain, vocal bridging (supports and encourages a dog until he’s succeeded!),and Conditioned Relaxation empower the dog for self-managing through encountering triggers, or succeeding through veterinary/husbandry practices.   A phenomenal paradigm shift is happening with Syn Alia (synergistic alliance)! For your dog or clients’ dogs,  you won‘t want to miss this!


Pet Owner


After having studied Perception Modification under Kayce for the last 3 years, my whole attitude in relating to animals has changed. I have found that SATS is not just a method or a collection of training techniques, it is a WAY OF BEING with the animals.   You learn to truly “see” them, to value them for who they are, and respect them as partners and friends. You learn to include them in decisions that affect their welfare, to ask their permission, and to seek their cooperation. You learn that they are more than capable of reasoning, coping, and contributing to the solution.  They can understand far more than you thought they could. They can make good decisions and be self-managing, even when it is difficult, without having to always be “told” what to do. They can work with you to accomplish amazing things that will benefit you both. You can help them recreate their life. Your whole relationship with them could change forever. And it is all possible with SATS.  Thank you so much, Kayce Cover, for the gift you have given to Jazz and our family. We will be forever grateful.


Professional Dog Groomer & Trainer

Kayce Cover

SATS Developer and Instructor

Kayce leads people to enjoy harmonious living with the animals in their lives. We align together and enjoy the best adventures that life with animals can bring.

Kayce Cover is a professional trainer and manager of humans and animals. Cover has a BS in Animal Science and a MS in Education. Cover’s career in animals started with dolphins and other marine mammals, extended to all other exotic animals, as well as livestock and pets, and now focusses on the development of professional trainers, training programs and consultation.

Ready for a better life with your pet?

Register now for this self-paced online course to help you become the partner your pet needs you to be!

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