1-2-3-4 Boom! Course

How pet owners can use Perception Modification to support animals with sound sensitivities

Imagine NEVER having to worry about how your pet will handle the next 4th of July celebration or those pop up afternoon thunderstorms...

What if you could help your animal relax when he hears loud noises, without locking him away or resorting to costly medications or uncomfortable wraps?

What if he was able to hear the "Boom" and understand that he doesn't have to be afraid? What if you could tell him what to do when he hears it, so that he can overcome his fear?

Then you can enjoy the fireworks, and he can stop hiding under the bed.


1-2-3-4 Boom!

Four simple tools to lead your animal to overcome the fear of fireworks, thunderstorms, and other loud, unusual,  or unexpected noises. 

This simple & powerful protocol can help your animal overcome his fears and anxiety, so both of you can breathe deep, relax, and share an enjoyable life.

You just want your pet to be able to relax...

But all he wants to do is run and hide.
He seems unable to stop panting... shaking... pacing.
Even when he isn't cowering or frantically trying to escape,
he is still nervous, restless and anxious.

You feel bad for your pet, and you have probably tried many things already, in your efforts
to help him avoid or deal with the stress of these loud noises.

You may have purchased expensive calming sprays, pheromones, and wraps 
or made an emergency run to the vet for prescription medication!

Yet you just haven't been able to find a lasting solution.

You are concerned to leave your pet alone when thunderstorms or fireworks are expected. You want to protect him.  You know this chronic stress isn't healthy for him.

You worry that he may panic and somehow escape, as many animals do around the 4th of July.

And it's taking a toll on you as well...

 Maybe you are tired of the destruction that all of the chewing and frantic digging in your carpet has caused. You feel the frustration of not being able to do what you want to do, the aggravation of making special arrangements around your pet's fears, and the lack of sleep when thunderstorms or fireworks -- and your pet's stress -- last long into the night.

But it doesn't have to be this way...

You can help empower your pet to walk into more peace and self-control, with a bit of help.  
I am sharing the techniques which I use to solve these thorny problems!

Are you ready to commit to helping your animal overcome his sound sensitivities and create a new life for himself?

Many pet owners I see are dealing with the same common issues when it comes to sound phobias...

  • Their animal shows general signs of anxiety, especially when in the presence of loud and unexpected noises, and other stressful situations.
  • They really want to help their pet overcome his fears, but aren't clear on what they should do to help.
  • The methods they have tried in the past may have helped some, but their pet still becomes fearful, shakes, or runs to hide during fireworks, thunderstorms, or other loud startling noises.
  • Despite their best efforts, their dog still suffers with phobias and anxiety.
The good news is there is HOPE! 
How? With a protocol utilizing four simple SATS tools that can be used by the average pet owner. 

 With the step by step instructions in the 1-2-3-4 Boom! protocol, you can help your animal learn how to manage 
his emotions and calm his fears, leading to a happier, more peaceful life for both of you.

If you're here reading this, I'm guessing that you've been struggling with your pet's sound phobias for a while and...

 You're tired of stressing over it.  

You don't want be continue to be terrified that your pet might run in panic when the noise starts.

You're ready to see your pet find confidence, peace and calm. And you want clarity in how to help.

You are ready to resolve this issue and bring peace to your pet and your home (but you're not sure how).

1-2-3-4 Boom!  can help!

How much better would your life be, if your pet could remain calm when he hears those unexpected fireworks or other loud noises?

 How great would it be for your pet if he was able to find a sense of peace and calm in the midst of a thunderstorm or fireworks display?

It CAN be better. For both of you.

Your animal CAN learn how to better manage his emotions and conquer his fears.  He can learn how to deal with the stress of those loud startling noises.

With your help, he can learn how to COPE.

  So you can relax and enjoy the festivities...
And he can relax knowing it's all going to be ok.

Imagine never having to worry about how your dog will manage when it comes time for fireworks or thunderstorms...

 Because you have a step by step guide that tells you exactly what to do, and equips you to empower your animal to manage his emotions and conquer his fears.

Have Questions?

Anyone with an animal which needs help on the 4th of July, New Years, or during storms.

Anyone with an animal who is sensitive to loud unexpected noises such as fireworks, thunder, gunshots, and air brakes.

Any dedicated pet owner can understand and apply the 1-2-3-4 Boom! Protocol. No special skills are needed. It can help dogs, cats, horses, and other pets learn to cope with sound phobias.

Professionals are welcome in our training for professionals, which includes a more in depth study of these materials.  Please enroll in the SATS Perception Modification series and you will learn about the material here, and much more.

You have access to the self study materials for the lifetime of the course. Materials can be accessed on any device with an internet connection. The step by step guide can be downloaded for your study and reference.

SATS Trainers strive to engage all animals and all people with integrity, compassion, and care.  We carefully explain what we need, to the animals, and collaborate with them, to solve problems. and build skills.

None! You can begin teaching your animal without any prior training.

The SATS tools used here are the beginning skills we teach to any animal to help them be successful. With practice you will both gain greater understanding and ability as you partner together to resolve your pet's fears.

 SATS techniques were developed to be used with any type of animal.

This course is recommended for anyone committed to helping their animal overcome his fear of loud or unexpected noises.  With careful and consistent effort, most enjoy good results. The techniques are simple and easy to use.  They involve NO physical correction, and no treats. Just steadfast and consistent use of the tools.

If your animal needs more help, it is readily available through the Perception Modification class. Conditioned Relaxation, Cycles and other higher level skills are taught in the class, supporting more difficult cases.

However,  the simple tools in 1-2-3-4 Boom! help most animals (even difficult cases) and are easy and fast to apply.

 The full study materials, including video demos, are available in both options.

The Group Experience also includes live zoom coaching calls with Kayce and other approved SATS certified trainers experienced with using this protocol. You will get answers to your questions, and receive valuable support and feedback to help you apply these techniques with your animal. The group experience also includes a community, where you are able to connect with Kayce and with others who are going through the course.

The Group Experience with LIVE access to Kayce is only offered a few times a year!

 Feel free to contact Kayce at kc@synalia.com with any other questions you may have.

 "The techniques taught in this class can be absolutely life changing. I've had the opportunity to work with many dogs who suffer from noise phobias, particularly with fireworks and thunder, and using what Kayce is teaching in these classes has helped, and in some cases completely resolved the phobias, in every single dog. I am a firm believer in her use of relaxation and communication as a simple, gentle, and incredibly effective way to help dogs through the panic that can come with these events, and I wholeheartedly recommend these techniques to anyone whose dog struggles with fireworks, thunder, gunshots, and other things that go boom!" 

Sarah Roberts
Professional Dog Trainer

 "Hated this time of year for many years. What Kayce Cover teaches for fireworks helped my cat, who would be under the bed for 3 days every year this time. He learned immediately and was sitting with us on the porch for the finale (distant but loud enough it triggered him in past)"   --Roberta Lawrence 

About Kayce

Kayce leads people to enjoy harmonious living with the animals in their lives. We align together and enjoy the best adventures that life with animals can bring.

Course Pricing

1 2 3 4 Boom Self Study Course

$249 USD

    • Self Study Only
    • Available for purchase anytime, year round
    • Study at your convenience
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